Writing Center

What is the Writing Center? What is the Writing Center
The Writing Center is a free service available to the entire Motlow community. We support a dedicated team of tutors who are attentive and knowledgeable so they can provide exceptional guidance with any project at any stage of the writing process including brainstorming for an English essay, revising a lab report, or polishing a cover letter for a job application. Our ultimate goal is to expand across all campuses in order to provide a unique service to a growing and diverse population and to help our clients become more confident, competent writers.
Where is it Located? Where is it Located?
On three of the Motlow campuses, the Writing Center is located in the library! Fayetteville: Library McMinnville: Library Computer Lab Moore County: CGL 219, upstairs in the library Smyrna: MLA 100
Hours and Appointments Hours and Appointments
When is it open? Hours vary by campus and semester. The best way to see available times on your campus is to log in to our online scheduler. How do I make an appointment? You can make an appointment using our online scheduler. First time? Check out our step-by-step Making an Appointment Video. Do I have to make an appointment? We welcome walk-ins, but the Writing Center can be a very busy place! The best way to make sure a tutor will be available is to make an appointment in advance. When should I make an appointment? The very best writing is the product of a recursive writing process that proceeds through multiple drafts, and this takes time. This means that you should try to avoid scheduling a session on the very same day your essay is due! Making an appointment a few days or even a whole week in advance of your due date will ensure you have enough time to revise and polish your work based on tutor feedback. If we can't cover everything in one session, we are more than happy to schedule follow-up appointments for the same assignment. Note: because our tutoring is a finite resource, students are limited to 15 visits per semester. What if I can’t make it to my appointment? All you need to do is login to the appointment scheduler and cancel your appointment. Please feel free to reschedule it for another time. There is no penalty for cancelation. If, however, you do not cancel your appointment and fail to show up, the appointment will be marked as a no-show. After three no-shows, students cannot make additional appointments in the online scheduler, though they are welcome to use the Writing Center on a walk-in basis.
What Can I Expect? What Can I Expect?
What should I expect from my tutoring session? All Writing Center appointments start on the hour and last 50 minutes. Because we are in the business of creating better writers — not just better essays — you will always maintain ownership of your own work. Tutors will not write or edit any section of your assignment for you. Tutors will work with you to revise and edit your assignment by listening, asking questions, making suggestions, and providing helpful resources. We'll also make sure that you leave your session with a concrete revision plan. What should I bring with me? Bring your draft and the assignment prompt. It may also be helpful to bring your syllabus, class notes, and any previous drafts or research materials. Note: for either type of online appointment, plan to upload both your draft and the prompt! Is online education available? Yes! In addition to traditional face-to-face tutoring sessions, we offer two online tutoring options: eTutoring and Live Online tutoring. You can learn more about these in our Making an Appointment Video.

Make an appointment


Writing Center Resources Button


Writing Center Tutors

Jenna Caviezel, Director
 Daniel Robinson, tutor
Ava Anderson, tutor
Casey Hester, tutor
William Anderson, tutor
Abby Mire, tutor
Wes Spratlin, tutor
Grace Young, tutor
Keira Pfefferkorn, tutor
Jessica Stites, tutor
Jordan Dodd, tutor
Dawn G. Copeland, tutor
Angela Benninghoff, tutor
Will Murphy, Assistant Coordinator

Having Login Problems?

Make sure you are logining with your integrated Motlow HUB account and not an old Writing Center account.

If you are locked out of your Writing Center account, please wait fifteen minutes and try to login again.

If you lost your password, please contact Motlow's Technical Operations staff at  931-393-1512 or visit support.mscc.edu for assistance.


How can I become a tutor? 

Writing Center peer tutors work one-on-one with students on all four Motlow campuses and online. Tutors assist students with writing at any level, in any discipline, and at any stage in the writing process. Whether they are helping students to understand an assignment, conduct research, make a revision plan, review grammar rules, or master a documentation style (MLA, APA, etc.), tutors will help students to develop the skills necessary for successful academic writing. Other duties include presenting informational classroom visits, maintaining tutoring records, and contributing to the Writing Center’s bank of online resources. Most tutors work 6 hours per week and are expected to attend periodic staff meetings throughout the semester.

General requirements: Students must have a grade of B or higher in English 1010 and/or 1020 and possess excellent writing skills. In addition, students should be patient, work well with their peers, and be continuously willing to learn from their tutoring experiences. All new tutors participate in mandatory paid training.

Apply here: https://careers.tbr.edu/jobs/mscc-peer-tutor-general-pool-tullahoma-tennessee-united-states Note: you will need to attach a 2-10 page writing sample and an unofficial copy of your transcript to the application. Instructor recommendations can be emailed directly to [email protected]

Email [email protected] with any questions.
